Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Restoring the Swartley Family's '50 Chevy Pick-up

This truck has been in Steve Swartley's family since 1981. Steve found it in a field on Five Mile Prairie near Spokane. He got it running and Steve and his children enjoyed driving it over the years. In 1993 he sold it to a friend when he ran out of garage space, but he never forgot the truck and pestered his friend to sell it back to him. It spent a few wet winters on the coast and needed some serious surgury to bring it back to life. About 30% of the cab sheet metal has been replaced.

As some know, fenders for these trucks have become quite rare. Our sheet metal skill allowed us to bring these babies back to near original condition.

Except for the fenders, this bed is new.

There aren't a lot of people that do these old engines anymore, but our buddy Dave Swenson sweetened up this old thrasher motor so it sings again.

The cab is out for paint, but this tuff old rig is about to make dump runs again.

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