Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Natural Seepages

When Speaker Pelosi said yesterday that lifting the executive ban on offshore oil drilling is "reckless and "risky" The Skirt wondered what could she be referring to. Was she concerned about an increase chance of oil spills? We decided to do some surfing. Over 47%, maybe more of the oil found in the ocean seeps through cracks in the ocean floor. At the time they wrote the report in 2002 they speculated that it was probably much higher. Today they have even more sophisticated ways of measuring these natural seepages, so it's a good bet that it is a far higher percentage of the total amount. The report also stated that over time all oil in the oceans is broken down by natural organisms and chemical processes called - natural bio remediation. Modern oil drilling and transport have improved to the point where accidental spillage is minimal. And if it does happen they know how to clean it up. We think The Speaker and her constituents want to believe that nearly all the oil in the ocean comes from human hands. WE ARE IN A CRISIS, SPEAKER! What is "risky" is doing nothing to increase our domestic energy production. The Skirt agrees with the the President, "Politics is choking good sense." We need more domestic energy production now including offshore drilling. If crude is going to bubble up anyway we might as well capture it for our use. Congress better wise up, fast. May those who don't agree suffer from anal seepage.

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