Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mad Men - Episode 5

We laughed out loud when Don realized he was facing a salt less diet at home. Touche' Betty. How many of you had flashes of Chappaquiddick when the camera came up on Don and Bobbie in the car and headed to the beach!!! The Skirt doesn't really like Bobbie and so at that moment was thinking she could drown, but her character is very important to the story. She gives excellent advice. Episode 5, called "The New Girl" opens with a shot of Don's new secretary and you're thinking, oh here's the new girl, but how simplistic is that. Very. By the end of the show, which was even better than last week, we realize that the "new girl" is Peggy. We loved how she presented herself to Don. Just fabulous. Now she just needs to cut off that ponytail. Bloggers are wondering if Don will eventually seduce Peggy. We hope not. Oh, and Peggy's sister Anita was pregnant when Peggy was. Who's baby is Anita raising?

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