Wednesday, September 24, 2008

John Deere Model "H" with Buggy Top

Eight summers ago we sold our house in the big city of Tacoma, WA and looking to get back to our rural roots bought six acres in Spokane Valley. Before we even finished unpacking we saw an ad in the NickleNic for a 1946 John Deere Model "H". We weren't looking to buy a vintage tractor, but our interest was peaked. We decided to drive north to Elk, WA just to have a look and a scenic drive. The tractor came with several attachments and a seldom used buggy top. The tractor is one of our favorite possessions. Bob uses the "H" a couple times a month to maintain our gravel driveway.

These days the attachments are used primarily by our cattle as scratching posts.
The farmer we bought it from preserved all the manuals.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures.

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