Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mad Men - Episode 8

Episode 8 was heartbreaking even though we knew it was coming to this between Don and Betty. We know it's just a TV show, but the actors where so convincing it felt intrusive watching these deeply personal moments in a marriage. We hardly recognized the cast this week the actors taking us to a place they had never taken these characters before. The Skirt can still see Don's face as he pleaded with Betty from the living room couch. And Betty, poor Betty, so broken and wearing that awful clown print dress. The actors did a stellar job, didn't they? On the subject of not recognizing someone it took us five seconds or so to recognize Joan at home in her casual clothes, so happy in her new work. The Skirt hopes she doesn't marry that guy. He'll just keep her down. She could educate him perhaps. That's how the world turned in the 1960s. And yes, my sisters and I often performed for my parents friends. Eek-gads, there we were three sort of chubby little girls in white leotards tapping around on the basement floor. Our mother didn't have to ask, we pleaded for a chance to show off our new moves.

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