Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Matchbook Pin-ups Now Bathroom Art

Our freshly painted bathroom walls here at the hot rod shop deserved some artwork. The Skirt knew she wanted to use vintage pin-ups, but being a shop bathroom it didn't seem prudent to spend much money or to hang up anything too precious. After looking on the web for some ideas I remembered my father-in-law's old matchbook pin-up girls. Scanning didn't work, they came out grainy when I enlarged them to 8 x 10, so I took a photo of each matchbook against white paper with our Canon Rebel XTi. Framing would have been way too fussy so I slipped them into sheet protectors (saw this in a magazine) and hung them up with paper clips and thumbtacks. Looks great, don't you think and we used something with family history.

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