Thursday, December 4, 2008

'07 Mazda Meet Terry's '57 Nomad

Anybody who knows Terry Carlson knows that he's a man of interesting ideas. His latest occurred when he was looking at a wrecked Mazda RX8. He noticed that the dimensions of the interior were remarkably close to those of his '57 Nomad. Some time with his measuring tape confirmed his suspicions. This car was close to being ready for paint when he brought it in, but we're going to take a short detour for an interior transplant.
This Rx8 had a little face fire after a minor collision. It ended up totaled, but the interior is pristine. These cars have all the bells and whistles you could ask for, paddle shifter, 1000w stereo, sport seats, storage galore and even cup holders.
Eric got the unenviable job of removing the interior in tact and cutting any structure out to mount it in the Nomad. These interiors are incredibly complicated and electronic. We have to integrate the functional interior as well as the physical.
It would be nearly impossible to construct a custom dash like this, although transplanting it is no walk in the park. Terry is going to end up with a one of a kind when all is said and done.

Voila!! That is an RX8 dash in a '57 Nomad. Of course, the devil is in the details. The steering, A/C, shifter, sound system and controls all have to be integrated to fifty year old technology. Stay tuned!!


Anonymous said...

While doing a web search on myself (doesnt everybody?)I came across this posting. I about fell out of my chair as my all time favorite car are Chevy Nomads. No, I dont have one yet, Ive only seen one in my neck of the woods, it was in black primer parked outside the local Hooters. I do have many diecasts of Nomads to try to compansate though, lol. I have also driven a few Mazdas too, and thought they were great vehicles, although Im a "bow tie" guy through and through. Would love to see pics of Terry's Nomad when finished. What a fun project to have, I wish you the best!

Anonymous said...

So glad you found us. Thanks for the comment. We hope you check back from time to time to see how the Nomad comes together.

Anonymous said...

So glad you found us, Terry Carlson. Thanks for the comment. We hope you check back from time to time to see how the Nomad comes together.