Saturday, January 31, 2009

Things We Hope This Recession Kills Off For Good

The post office is thinking about delivering mail only five days a week to cut costs. They should have done that a long time ago. And if they haven't already done it they should ditch all the point of purchase items, such as the little teddy bears and the novelty printed padded envelopes. We, the American tax payers can't afford it! This started us to think about other marketing maneuvers (more like marketing manure) that we'd all be better off without and we hope this recession makes the following list obsolete: digital billboards, super graphics (ads that stretch across several buildings) drug company swag, cheap, plastic and useless promotional giveaways, unsolicited direct mail pieces, telemarketing, title sponsorships (The Bridgestone Super Bowl), and sponsorships of any kind by erectile dysfunction or penis enhancement drugs. What did I forget? The Skirt is sure this blog entry is a grammatical disaster, sorry.

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