Monday, June 8, 2009

The Farm Chicks Show - Junkers Delight

Another great Farm Chick Show!

Congratulations & thanks to
The Chicks and Company!

Inspired by The Chicks subtle '60's housewife vibe The Skirt bought (among several other items) this
Oscar Mayer promotional sign to hang above the microwave in the shop break room. The boy sort of looks like a couple guys I know. And this guy too when he was younger. The Skirt also spent quite a bit of time along with a group of other enthusiastic attendees digging through a vintage wash tub of uniform name tags. What fun. Now we need to think of just the right thing to do with them. Any ideas?
Thanks, Chicks!!! Great idea, as usual. We're already looking forward to next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"A Junkers Delight"?! What an honor! Thanks so much for visiting the show!
:) Serena