Friday, August 14, 2009

Paul Bos' Roadster Pickup Debuts at Spokane Goodguys

Paul's '29 pickup is running on her own, short distances anyway. Dustin loaded it on the trailer this morning and we met Paul at the gate of Spokane Goodguys Show. The video shows it all. We were a bit disappointed, we needed more time than we had to mount the windshield. That's how it goes.

Everyone pitched in to get the car running. That's Little Z, our summer intern, in the center of the picture. That's also his Mach I in the background. Pretty cool, uh? He's doing the finish work on the '69 mustang under the tutelage of the RBI crew. Paul brought in a couple of Mexican blankets he picked up in his homestate of California. The guys draped them over foam padding to make a temporary seat for this weekend's Goodguys show.

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