Monday, September 21, 2009

Gotta Blog About Mad Men Episode 6

Spoiler Alert!!! The Skirt has not been blogging about Mad Men this year, it could be a full-time job, but I have to write something today because last night's episode - "Guy Walks Into An Advertising Agency" was so good. We loved every single scene, didn't you? Ok, only one little thing, there's no way Ken could have gotten that John Deere in there. But we're glad he did. OMG! Are we all sick? I was wondering why that Brit kept kicking his right foot out each time he'd start walking. (Maybe sort of a poker tell.) And wasn't that brunette Barbie dreadful? Don's scene with his daughter was so touching. Someone on the Mad Men blog wrote that it was the most powerful ending since Betty shooting the pigeons. We so agree. How strange, I was just thinking about Betty shooting the pigeons the other day. The bits of Guy's foot spraying across SC are now implanted in my memory too. If you haven't been watching the show they are re-running third season shows this week sometime. Check out their web site.

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