Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Watching Our Garden Grow

Day 120Things are winding down in the garden. All the onions and potatoes are in our pantry/cellar. The green beans, carrots, and broccoli are in the freezer. Bob has been canning his tomatoes. There is cauliflower still to pick and a few errant cabbage, but that's about it. Bob's already put up 20 or more quarts of sauerkraut. We'll try and muster up the time and energy to deal with the rest. The acorn squash and pumpkins are still on the vine and that's a good place for them until first frost. This was our second garden and we were satisfied with the amount of food we were able to grow, eat and preserve. We are already making notes on what we want to plant next year and are planning on doing more seedsaving.

Day 90 Day 60

Day 30

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