Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Costco Makes a Poor Connection

All of us here at Rod Builders are huge Costco fans. The skirt reads every issue of The Costco Connection from front to back, but I had to force myself to pull it out of the mailbox this month. Yuk, Al Gore. Bob had a more sophisticated response and he sent the following letter to Costco. What do you guys think? Are you buying what Al Gore is selling?

Dear Costco Connection:

About 50% of your customers think that man-caused global warming is the biggest scam pulled on the American public in our generation. I'm a highly educated and discriminating person, thus my love for Costco. Given that, I am repulsed by the credibility your feature in "Connection" gives this fraud. You have been pretty good at being politically neutral up to this point, but Al Gore stirs a negative emotion in some that is visceral and founded. I know that the publishing office for The Connection tends to the progressive direction, but please remember that half of your customers are conservative and intelligent. Avoid polarizing individuals like this in the future.

Bob Bissonette

Revised 11/24/09:
What do you have to say about this Mr. Gore?


Anonymous said...

If your Costco Connection is still around check the publisher's comments, he makes it perfectly clear where he stands.

The skirt said...

Thank you Anonymous. Yes, we still have the magazine and I have now read his comments. LOL!!! I guess Mr. Fuller was expecting some flak. And yes, he indeed makes it perfectly clear where he stands.

Anonymous said...


The skirt said...

Did you see the comment section of the Dec issue of The Connection?