Monday, July 14, 2008

The Factory - The Best Thing On TV Right Now

We are TiVoing Spike's new show, the Factory? It's shockingly funny, like those early episodes of "The Office." The main cast and guest actors are true pros and possessed with an awe-inspiring skill at improvisation. It's done in this leading edge TV format which people may or may not like anymore, a format like "Curb Your Enthusiasm" with these male fantasy asides. But it's the dialog that enthralls The Skirt. Women if you want to really know how the male mind works and what makes him laugh watch this show and learn. Pay special attention to the break room banter. This is the authentic male perspective. Here's what a paid TV critic wrote about it. Give it a try this Sunday, please. TV executives are trigger happy with their cancel orders and it could be gone before it hits its stride.

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