Thursday, July 10, 2008

Why leave it in the ground - ANWR

Everyday more and more Americans are coming to the conclusion that domestic drilling should be part of our country's energy strategy. A friend sent us some pictures of ANWR, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The picture below is of the proposed drilling area in the summertime. They call it the ANWR Coastal Plain. As you can see, the exact area they want to drill is a barren wasteland.
It does not look like this:It does not even on it's best day look like this.First, ANWR is nearly 20 million acres. Proposed drilling is for 2000 acres. In other words, at worst, one out of every 10,000 acres would be affected.

Those who opposed drilling here say they are concerned about the effect it will have on the local wildlife. Here is a picture of how things look today around Prudhoe Bay oil field.

Caribou, bear and wolf populations have soared since development of this oil field. Caribou have their calves next to the warmth of the pipeline and thus their critical post birth survival rate is substantially increased. The real environmental uproar will occur when the oil companies leave.

Bears find the pipeline as a convenient means of getting from point A to point B. Maybe a mass transit system in ANWR will get the Eco freaks on board.

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