Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mad Men - Episode 4

It's not exactly like the toy robot Don threw across the kitchen, but this is a late 50's or early 60's model. Unlike a lot of fans we only have time to watch each show once. A quick glance at the toy reminded the skirt of "Red Rocker" from Rock 'em Sock 'Em, but there's no way. Fans all agree episode 4 was probably the most potent so far packed with important domestic exchanges and behind closed doors moments. We learned A LOT about all the characters. How sad was it that selfish Betty forgot to feed her children? I know, Don could have thought of it, but that's post-9/11 thinking, not 1962. And we all know she is projecting her fears and frustrations on her son. These guys are great storytellers, but hey, what's with going off to the emergency room for a burn on the chin. My 60's mom would have smeared butter on it and given me a spanking.

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