Monday, August 18, 2008

Our Favorites From the Goodguys - Great Northwest Nationals

Tonja DiCenzo's '64 Falcon SprintDennis Akers' '34 Ford Les Boudwyn's '67 Chevelle Dan Rennick's '55 Pontiac (Took this picture at a party Friday Night)
Don & Nancy Wilbur's '32 Sedan (Took this picture at the same party. I think Bob is pointing at the tiny bit of fabrication RBI did.)
Dennis Kelly's '64 Cobra Daytona Coupe Repro Chuck McVey's '41 Deluxe Business CoupeLarry Olson's '33 Plymouth (For a look under the hood click here.
Dennis Hunter's Glass '34

Don't know who owns this, but it's cool.
and so is this. There were half a dozen more, but couldn't get a decent photo. Of course a few of the cars pictured above spent some time in our shop and if its wrong to love a car you've worked on, then our heart just won't let us be right.

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