Thursday, February 11, 2010

Chinese New Year Sunday - Get the Chop Sticks

(Pictured: Menu from former Mandarin Cafe in Spokane)

Only a few things will get Bob to venture down a dark alley (he shuns anything city-like) one thing, hopefully, would be to rescue The skirt if she finds herself abducted by sex traffickers, another is the hunt for authentic Asian food. Sunday is the Chinese New Year, and to capture any incoming good luck (doesn't hurt to try, right?) we'll probably go eat at one of the small restaurants in the Spokane Asian community that cook for Bob the way they like it, you know, not the way the round-eye likes it. Be sure to check out the prices on the old menu below, maybe from the mid-40's.
We wish a happy and prosperous new year to all our Asian friends!

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