Monday, September 6, 2010

Just A Fool For Small Town Parades

To indulge The skirt's fondness for small town parades, we scheduled a pick up of the '47 Ford dump truck from its home in Ritzville on the day of the Ritzville Community Parade, which was part of the Wheat Land Communities Fair. It was just our kind of small town event. The wheat truck was actually part of the parade and won a first place ribbon in its category. We were as proud as a country cock. Rod Builders did an excellent job restoring that truck. Click here for how it all started and click on the label for the full story. Here are a few things that caught my eye: Bob, and our dog Trevor, visiting with folks before they line up for the parade. Bob, looking over this fabulous horseless carriage, and 1950 split window International pickup. The skirt liked the rotating pink spangled pigs and Molly, Ritzville's oldest resident. Here RBI customer, Martin Deeg, shares his beautiful '55 Merc with the crowd. Click here to read the story on this car.Everyone, including the dogs, had mixed feelings about the musket fire from the civil war reenactors.
It's voting season. God bless America!

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