Saturday, September 11, 2010


The Skirt has searched out and linked to web sites that write plainly about how things are this September 11, 2010.
Fox News and Shepard Smith started a special series this week highlighting the progress on rebuilding the World Trade Center. Here is a link to a story about it. The first episode was very good.

Read the blog of a honest and right-minded New York city construction field supervisor who knows the inside scoop of the whole world trade center and Cordoba mosque controversy?

9/11 is a good day to read the speech Geert Wilders gave to an audience at the New York Four Seasons in 2008. Not familiar with Geert Wilders? Freedom loving people all over the world should read his work. Here's Wilder's web site and here is his message to Muslims. Please give his web site a few minutes of your time this 9/11 weekend.

Update 9/12/10: Geert Wilders speaks at 9/11 Rally of Remembrance in NYC. Did you even know about this huge rally? This is how a president of the United States should speak about his country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that's how to link up a blog post!
